
Mayfair Coaching is all about clear thinking and conscious action taking on an ongoing basis. When your life is generally working well and your physical and emotional needs are healthily met, then coaching conversations help all that positivity to remain in balance and be sustainable day in day out.

Clients want high-quality coaching conversations, not because they have issues (those are resolved in therapy) but because they have a sense of unreleased potential (which, to be fair, applies to most human beings). 

Coaching conversations are, in most cases, present and future focussed. They can include topics relating to personal or professional goals, life choices and relationships; sporting, musical or artistic high performance; social or community contribution; or small daily habit adjustments which, over time, will make a significant positive difference to you and to those who share your life. 

therapy coaching London mayfair

Get in touch now.

Telephone: 020 3146 6833

Email: [email protected]